Learn from top global industry-leading experts.

Brands we partner with - Atlassian, Meta & R. M. Williams

01 – Truth in the new world

Bias, data and managing information

The #1 self-identified need in schools over the past 2-3 years.

02 – Overcoming contextual cop-out & other convenient excuses

Self-awareness, active listening and responding to context

The critical enablers of any skillset.

03 – Action for a better tomorrow

Empathy, equity and saving the world

The ethos of global citizenship and the capabilities required to create a better future.

Teacher testimonials

“The courses are forward thinking and help teachers prepare their students for working successfully in the 21st century.”

Jennifer Kennedy - Science Teacher, Pymble Ladies College

“The platform was really engaging and the industry speakers were very compelling. I think I could use a number of these videos to show students how necessary these skills are.”

Amy Mugridge - HSIE Teacher, Cowra High School